Haslingfield Little Owls Pre-school
Haslingfield Methodist Church
High Street
CB23 1JW
Tel 07704 908109 (during session time only)
Little Owls Preschool is located in the village Methodist church. If you are coming by car please park on the road as the car park is small and has multiple users. Walk through the car park to the middle door by the wheelie bins. If a member of staff does not see you, please ring the doorbell so we can come and greet you.
Little Owls Manager: manager@haslingfieldlittleowls.org.uk
Office: office@haslingfieldlittleowls.org.uk
Management Committee Chair: chair@haslingfieldlittleowls.org.uk
Other useful contacts:
For all Health Visiting and School Nurse enquiries, please call the 0-19 duty desk number which is 0300 029 5050. All appointment changes and queries should be directed to the duty desk number above.